19 August 2016 - By Eugene Herbert
When tailgated, some frustrated drivers make the impulsive decision
to “tap the brake” — either a light tap on the brake to warn the offending
vehicle or braking suddenly in an attempt to warn (punish) the tailgater to
increase their following distance. That’s a dangerous manoeuvre that increases
the likelihood of a rear-end crash.
This action can sometimes lead to a confrontation that might escalate
into road-rage incident that could culminate in violence. If a driver is
tailgating you, the safest option is to move to the left and allow the vehicle
behind you to pass and move to a space where you can better manage the
following distance – in fact it may be a good idea to let them get well ahead
of you and thereby improve your own safe space.
Are you given to tailgating? Tailgating is a common form of aggressive
driving that statistically increases your chances of, at best, a confrontation
with another driver or worse still being involved in a crash. No matter how
good a driver you think you are, without adequate space between your vehicle
the one in front, you simply don’t have enough time to safely react to sudden
changes in driving conditions which could include ( but are not limited
to) the stupid actions of the driver in front.
To view a video showing how a tailgating car led to a rollover crash click on link below.
Till next time – be smart and don’t tailgate... You could be in for a
nasty surprise.
Eugene Herbert